Saturday, December 8, 2007

the land far far away

wow sorry everyone ive been very busy and havent had time to update (;_;) but now im updating using my loyal calendar as guidance ♪(*^ ·^)ノ⌒☆

okay start:

13-18th of november

i worked very hard on my presentation for autumn camp but it still sucked... i stayed up the whole night of 16 to 17th making it o(_ _*)o so you can imagine how tired i was at the camp...oh please read more about that when i have the time to write in my trips section(^_^;)

19-25th of november

on the 22nd me and gabby went to harajuku after school... it was hilarious because we got stuck with a crappy player and had to search for songs in a magazine and it was difficult…thats what you get when you go for cheap...
on the 23rd we went to harajuku with gabby and went to karaoke and stuff... and we bumped into two of my school friendso(^▽^)o
on the 24th i went to watch my host neice perform japanese traditional dance... it was cute as hell.. (^3^)-☆chu!! afterwards i went to my rotex advisors house for overnight. her family is funny and really cute. my advisors name is mari and shes really nice... and when she went to work for a few hours me and her family sat around, talked, ate cheese and drank wine. when mari came home we watched 'the Queen' and went to bed\(^_^)/ at 3am lol

26th of nov - 2nd of dec

i starded teaching rie english on mondays after school... she is the cutest thing. on the 30th we went to a junior high school to talk about our countrys. it was hilariously cute<3 and we all ate so much cake that its not even funny (=^▽^=) and all for free hahaa… and we earned 5000yen for talking 10min.
on the 1st me and gabby went to harajuku after school and i bought a kigurumi and we took purikura thrice and experienced some funny things...
on the 2nd all the exchange students took the japanese proficionsy test... i took level 4. afterwards in the evening i talked with my family on the comp... i like talking to them(^-^)ノ~~

but thats all now. its 1am so ill write more later(^O^)/