Saturday, December 8, 2007

the land far far away

wow sorry everyone ive been very busy and havent had time to update (;_;) but now im updating using my loyal calendar as guidance ♪(*^ ·^)ノ⌒☆

okay start:

13-18th of november

i worked very hard on my presentation for autumn camp but it still sucked... i stayed up the whole night of 16 to 17th making it o(_ _*)o so you can imagine how tired i was at the camp...oh please read more about that when i have the time to write in my trips section(^_^;)

19-25th of november

on the 22nd me and gabby went to harajuku after school... it was hilarious because we got stuck with a crappy player and had to search for songs in a magazine and it was difficult…thats what you get when you go for cheap...
on the 23rd we went to harajuku with gabby and went to karaoke and stuff... and we bumped into two of my school friendso(^▽^)o
on the 24th i went to watch my host neice perform japanese traditional dance... it was cute as hell.. (^3^)-☆chu!! afterwards i went to my rotex advisors house for overnight. her family is funny and really cute. my advisors name is mari and shes really nice... and when she went to work for a few hours me and her family sat around, talked, ate cheese and drank wine. when mari came home we watched 'the Queen' and went to bed\(^_^)/ at 3am lol

26th of nov - 2nd of dec

i starded teaching rie english on mondays after school... she is the cutest thing. on the 30th we went to a junior high school to talk about our countrys. it was hilariously cute<3 and we all ate so much cake that its not even funny (=^▽^=) and all for free hahaa… and we earned 5000yen for talking 10min.
on the 1st me and gabby went to harajuku after school and i bought a kigurumi and we took purikura thrice and experienced some funny things...
on the 2nd all the exchange students took the japanese proficionsy test... i took level 4. afterwards in the evening i talked with my family on the comp... i like talking to them(^-^)ノ~~

but thats all now. its 1am so ill write more later(^O^)/

Monday, November 12, 2007

I just came back from my trip. It consisted of my host mom, my host brother, another priest/monk and a bus full of grandmas and grandpas and a young camera woman. It was actually very fun and i enjoyed myself alot ^__^ please read more in the trips section once i get it all written down.

Next weekend is the rotary autumn camp, it'll be fun again XD but i need to finish my country presentation x_x okay so i can finish it in a day or so.

Lol im practesing singing Gackts December love song. Check it out here, its very very pretty. Im practesing becouse next weekend on saturday we're going to a rotary members wedding and me and my friend Gabby are gonna sing it ^_^
Tomorrow is school again, I cant wait, oh and club. So much fun, i cant wait to do some excersice. Ive been eating so much sugar and drinking coffee for the past few days it will do so much good <3

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Munch munch

Whoo today I had curry.... at the Tokyo Hilton Hotel. Isn't that so cool.
I went to lunch at the Suganami Rotary Club today, i was so tired i actually ended up ordering a coffee before the lunch and drank another one for dessert, isnt that strange. I left school after the first two lessons... becouse the third was sports and i didnt have time to change and then change back.
After the lunch i hurried back to school, becouse today was my first time at the schools badmington club. Im so tired now... the club today was from 2.30pm till 5.15pm but it was so much fun and everyone is really nice. It wasnt all "PRACTISE PRACTISE PRACTISE!!!" everyone was laughing and smiling even though we were practising very hard. Im very tired now, but i feel strangely light... eventhough i had a huge dinner when i came the start everyone ran 3.6kms... i only ran like.... 600m x_x but every time im gonna run a little more.. becouse my health just isnt good enough yet. After the running i waited for everyone and did a good strech. At around 3.oopm we all went into the hall to practise badmington. I cant wait for Tuesday to go again. I have club on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday... but i can rarely go on a Saturday ^^"

ok... so i actually talked to Syu instead of mailing him today XDD that was fun ^^" im so strange, but hey im really shy. Oh and Yukke bought our consert tickets today <33 Next month we're going to a consert, there are 11 bands performing (including; Wizard, UnsraW, SCREW, zorro and many more). the tickets we're only like 3,500yen... which is about 30€, and our ticket numbers are like 189 and 190 (or 190 and 191 im not sure what number Yukke has). Thats like woah.

Ok im gonna stop blabbing for today... bye bye

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I had my first cup of coffee like ever today XDD at the rotary lunch i went to today...

i bet it tells how much i dont want to go home that even though i had a holiday from school for the afternoon today for after the lunch i still went to school. I feel like its much better for me to spend my time in school then at home.. becouse a) i learn japanese better if i talk to my friends then if i sit alone at home on my computer b) i dont like my host family at all c) i love my friends at school very much <33 d) if I am at school i see all my cute boys <333

Me and my friends went to karaoke today ^O^ it was one of the funniest things like ever XD and of course my host family got mad... because apparently im only allowed to study... you wish...

Lol i scared the hell out of Syu today because he called me a manizer XDD and i said that boys are delicious XDDD okay our mails are sometimes very strange... but thats what you do with good friends <3

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

People im sorry

I'm sorry everyone for not updating in such a long long time. but you all know me... im really, really lazy. We'll anyway... here we go.


School festival (bunkasai). A two day festival where every class and club partcipates in making something to show the visitors (parents, friends, random people). My class did a play which was acted out once on both days. I was suppose to be working with sound but i just ended up sitting on the floor watching the show and fanning the actors and everyone else XD The rest of the time we were basically just walking around visiting the other classes and clubs presentations and playes. We saw Romeo and Juliet, a j-rock version of Alice in Wonderland (where the cheshire cat was playing nintendo DS and Alice was reading a Foolsmate magazine instead of a book); it was the most hilarious thing i have ever seen, the brass band consert; it was amazing, and many other things. I even took pictures with my favourit boys, please check my photo albums for pictures and videos. On sunday Gabby came to visite my school, it was fun showing her to my friends. I had to have a speech at the ending ceremony... god how i hate speeches <_< but it was over quite quickly.

End of month nine

The end of the month we had holidays. Me and Rie visited Disneyland (check photo album), went on a Tokyo shopping trip and i did many other things. When school started again i was tired but happy and was eager to go to school again and see everyone. On the 28th i went to a consert, and oh my god it was amazing. For those of you who understand finnish visite to read my consert review.

Month ten

wow this month was full... on the third i visited my rotary club meeting and ate lunch there... hey it was a way to get out of school. Sometimes it seems im out of school more then in it ^^"
n the 6th i went to Harajuku with VV (exchange student from India). On the 10th I went to harajuku with Gabby and her friend (a 14-year old boy), we took purikura and went to karaoke, was such a fun day.
On the 11th me and the other exchange students visited the Tokyo Minami rotary clubs octobre party, at the tokyo hilton hotel. I was unable to see why it is such an expensive hotel. But the food was good and we got to eat alot XD.
n the 14th i went to Harajuku too, this time with Yukke. We went to karaoke and then ran out of money so we couldnt take purikura, which was sad ;__; but theres always next time.
On the 21st all the exchange students from my district and the next district met up and we all went to Akihabara, had lunch and took purikura... it was kinda scary. Heres one with only a few of the girls

After this we had a party with my host family, it was to celebrate Mayu-chans birthday and at the same time it was my leaving party. I was very sad to change families since I liked this one very very much.
Next week was exam week... i took two english exams, a maths exam, japanese exam and geography exam. Angelica (in the picture the one in the bottom left corner) came over on thursday evening and my host parents liked her very much.
On saturdcay 27th after school i went to Harajuku and Shibuya wih Rie and Natsumi. Natsumi had to leave quite early, but me and Rie spent some time in Shibuya, going to get me my new piercing, then going to karaoke, dinner and purikura. It was a fun day.
On sunday 28th we had a halloween party at Mike's english school (remember the language school from the start of my exchange), we dressed up and went trick or treating with little kids... it was very very fun. After the party we had lunch and me and Natsumi went to take purikura and hang around seiseki-sakuraoka. Heres one of the many purikura we took. Please visite my albums to see all my purikura

After hanging out with Natsumi for a little pit too long i hurried to Harajuku to meet my friends Aki and Shoho. We went to purikura and karaoke and also a little bit of shopping. Heres a purikura

On the 29th i changed families... and this is the most horrible part of my exchange so far.

Start of month 11

I try and spent as much time as i can in school and out with friends now.. since i hate being home. Every morning i must wake up at 5.20 at the latest and be in the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone at 6am. My room is like a fridge in the morning... but i am not allowed to turn on my heater. Im not allowed to go anywhere with friends after school becouse i need to study or some other crap... but i do anyway.. and i hang with them at school.
On the 2nd i went to karaoke with Ayano and Kanami XD it was really funny since Kanami is really shy and Ayano only sang songs by a japanese group called kinki kids.
On the 3rd i went to a rotary consert... i was the only exchange student there... (inbound that is) but it was a very pretty consert (three sopranos), from the consert i went straight to harajuku to meet Shu (Syu) from my class, and we wandered to Shibuya and went to karaoke XD What can i say i love karaoke. It was funny though... all Shu sung were love songs... i couldnt stop laughing about it with my friends.
On the 4th i went to Gabbys schools school festival... the trip there was kind of a flop XD I went fron shinjuku with keio new line... but i mistakinly took the express and ended up at the last stop which was in the middle of nowhere. Well i luckily got on the semi special express and got off at the right station. the next problem was that the bus reguired cash... and of course gabby had forgot to tell me... and of course I am always broke XD so she ended up paying when i got off the bus... I met many of gabbys friends, russel was there too.. he is gabbys "older brother". After the bunkasai finished we headed to the nearest town to eat. You would never think it so hard to find unjapanese food. We ended up eating curry... which i had had the day before and the same morning too. Russel ordered a level 10 curry (the hottest you can get) with natto, just to make it interesting... that it was indeed XD We then hurried to the train and took the same train with Russel almost all the way back... Gabby went the opposite way. me and Russel spent most of the train trip talking about Gabbys love life XD and i gave her some advice yesterday. LOL.

Well thats all there is now.. but i promise from now on to write everytime i do something. I promise. Becouse haha i have nothing better to do in my life XD

Jaa mata ne,
Selene <3

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Traditional kawaii land

I know this is a bit late since this happened on sunday but whatever.

I went to experience some traditional culture with my two sisters: Chie and Chisato

We went to a nice temple I dont know where and joined in a few traditional japanese games. One of the games was hosted by my host mum. The games are a bit hard to explain but ill try.

Game 1

This is a game only played on the 9th of september.

There are 11 cups with a smell in this is how they are divided:

Cup 1: 2
Cup 2: 3
Cup 3: 3
Cup 4: 3

You are allowed to test smell one of cup 1 and one of cup 2. So when the game starts there will be 9 cups. This is the way the smells are divided:

Cup 1: 1
Cup 2: 2
Cup 3: 3
Cup 4: 3

Now these cups are passed around at a random order, and your job is to list them in the order you think they are in. Might either be easy or hard to understand. You write your answer on a paper and if you get more then 3 right your good. (I got two)

Game 2

This game is called moon something or the other.

You have two smells, and there are three cups of each. The smells are called moon and guest. You are allowed to smell Moon. Now when the game stars the "smell mistress" (we'll just call her that) randomly pics three out of the six cups. These are passed around and smelled. You have to guess the right way they are. There are of course many possibilities on the order. You write your answer on a piece of paper again (got two again)

This is the way the games are played. It was kind of hard to sit still for these... becouse theyr not the most exiting... but they were still intresting.

We also went to a tea seremony.

In the evening we went to a cinese restourant with my family (missing Takashi, Hiroko, Mayu and Ryuta), please check the pictures from my gallery.
Me and Yutaka came to the conclusion that Shigeru-san is a serious tobacco addict and that Akira is also an addict.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Rotary orientation


Today was rotary orientation, or more like a rotary party. But of course nobody told me it was a formal orientation so i went in the normal shorts ad band t-shirt look with my creapers of course. It was funny how everyone else had very formal clothes and shit. But hey im different.
We listened to speeches for about four hours.. intresting ne... but we also got a presant. A book about Japan, a badge and a jukata kind of shirt. I have no idea what it is called, its is blue and has mt fuji on the back. Lol.
After all the forman things we had a dinner part, for like 2 hours... and all the inbounds and outbounds had to have a speech. Lol everyone thinks i have a rockstar attitude XD and maybe i do. At least i hope i do XD Im so bad. I ate myself sick again becouse these was chinese food (i love chinese food... especially since all i get to eat is japanese food). And the chocolate cake im in love with ^^"
We ended up taking thousands of pictures after the party becouse we love our friends XDDD
But i had alot of fun, i love all my friends to bits.

Tomorrow i go to a tea seremony.... it seems to complicated x_X
I dont really know at all what im suppose to do there... but maybe i'll see a bit later

Please check my galleries for more pics ^__^ <3

Friday, September 7, 2007

Secret Scars

Oukei, so last night we had a typhoon here, lol kinda made it hard to sleep. And lets top it up with our doorbell breaking and ringing every few minutes. Well i woke up at 1pm lol luckily there was no school today. Tomorrow we have rotary orientation whoo.

Well okay so from now on im gonna post more but a hell lot shorter.

I started school on monday, its funny how i cant understand anything XDD And for once in my life hot japanese guys are smiling at me and fighting about who i waved at XD its hilarious. And the girls just scream Kawaii!!! Ah my ears <3>I added a massive update to my page whoo, im so proud of myself.

OMG Miyavis consert was like the best ever <333>

Ah i cant eat many japanese foods at the moment... they make me feel really sick. Im sorry japanese. Havent been feeling too well anyway during the last few weeks. But i hope the stress will clear as things settle down.

I found my love for a finish band called Uniklubi again <3>

Everyting is going great and as you know you can pop me a message anytime, im a bit lonely you know.

Miss yah all, love you <3

Monday, August 20, 2007

The land of kawaii is way too hot

Long time no update nee? But now, under my mums pressured email i will update my blog.. which is kinda annoying XDDD

Its been three weeks since ive been in tokyo and it has been about three weeks since my last update, gomen nasai. I have added pictures and such since then though, go look at them please.

Well anyway to what ive been up to.

I have been and seen many places since my last update, so ill start at the very begining.

The day after my last update i went to Akihabara with my host brother and sister. Akihabara is the one must see place for any manga and anime fan, as well as anyone intrested in cheap electronics. There are hundreds and hundreds of anime, manga and game shops, cosplay shops, electronic stores and department stores. We visited a maid cafe, which are also one of the known factors of Akihabara. The cafe was one of the cutest things i've ever seen, wit hyoung japanese girls in cute maid dresses in a room decorated with pink banners and such. We also visited a cute store full of cute things... japanese brads like hello kitty and such. A few days later they took me to Harajuku, first time for both.

And this new week of course brough with it the start of language school. And already I have learned some new things, as well as tried calligraphy and karaoke and such things. But i am very glad when high school starts, becouse at the moment I have way too much free time on my hands. In the start there was a bunch of cute little japanese children at school with us, but they were learning english... just as we were japanese. We cooked with them... made sushi and other fun things. They are so cute.

Ive been to Harajuku quite many times now... i have spent so much x_X And my family will agree with this ^^" I have made three japanese friends, Maki, Rie and Haruka, they are all so cute and really sweet too <3 I will be going to Shibuya with Maki before high school starts and Rie is in the same school as me.

Last sunday-tuesday me, my host family, and my hostbrothers family went to Kamogawa, to the sea side. Ah it was so nice. On sunday we went to a zoo, Ichihara elephant kingdom, where i saw some exotic animals and had a tshirt painted by a elephant... i know its painted by an elephant becouse i stood in front of it wearing the tshirt while it painted it XD it was so hot though, but we got showered by the elephants too hahah. The hotel room was very nice, traditional japanese, with nice sliding doors and even yukatas. We ate some seafood on sunday and some of it was still alive on the table until we cooked it.
On monday we went to Kamogawa seaworld, where i saw loads and loads of cool sea creatures. We also went to see a Orca, Dolphin and sealion show. They were really nice... we got really wet becouse one of the orcas used its tail to splash water all over us ahahah ^^" but it was fun. We ate french food lol.
On tuesday we went to the beach, of course we had been swimming everyday before that too, but in the pool. On this day though we swam in the sea... and it was nice and cool. Though i got my shoulders and feet (the bottom of them) a bit burned... as well as getting a sunstroke and staying home on wednesday.

The rest of the time has been school and sitting around. i have seen alot of places though and been to eat dinner with my host club and things like that, but most of the time has been school and staying home, since it is way too hot to spend time outside.

I am very happy when autumn comes becouse i cant stand this heat XDDD This friday is the en of language school thank goodness ^^" But i must have a speech... which i have to remember off by hard... not very fun nee? Two pages of writing... in japanese. Very nice...

well ill go update the rest of my page now, please check it... and thank you for reading <3 Jaa, Mata ne <3

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Day one in the land of kawaii

Uww I arrived on thursday morning around 8am at Narita airport. Three men from Rotary plus some Rotex and a soon to be finnish exchange student came to greet me at the airport. It was all very fun and seemed like they really wanted to see me. when we got out of the doors the heat was astounishing, it was so hot I could harly breath, but it's been like that everyday. Everyone in my family seemed really nice from the start, and they seemed to be willing to take me to all the places I want to see <3 Bless them. We had a unformal welcoming dinner, with most of the family and i liked the food very much. Only thing is that the japanese eat so much x_X and pickled plums... ugh...
On friday we went to the foreign registration center, the embassy of Finland... where no one spoke finnish. We also visited Roppongi and a Japanese style park. In the evening Hiroko-san took me, Mayu-chan and Ryuta-kun to a restourant to eat with Mayu-chans friends family and after that we went to the japanese festival. There was alot of dancing and other fun stuff, like fishing for gold fish and eating shaved ice. It was so much fun, and mayu and Ryuta looked so cute in their yukatas. Later we were sitting around with people studying japanese and watching a chibli film XD
Uww saturday was the traffic day. We went by train all around tokyo. Stopping at Shibuya, Tokyo center, Akihabara, Ueno, Shinjuku, Harajuku and back to Shibuya. It was so much fun to see all the different parts of Tokyo.
Sunday, what can I say, nee? We went to check out where my school was located... and where my language scool for next month as well as Olympic center were. But hey after this me and Chisato-oneesan went to Harajuku to shop, and man i tell you, it really is heaven. I was shaking like hell. When we went to this shop and i tryed on this outfit people actually stopped and said things like "so cute", "just like a doll"... so i ended up buying the outfit XD check out the shopping section please <3 In the evening we went to a traditional japanese restourant for my official welcoming party, it was so much fun. I really enjoy my family.

On tuesday Hiroko-oneesan and Chie-oneesan want me to take them to Harajuku ^^" yei, more shopping <3

uww and i heard my next host family lives in a temple XD